![]() Last updated: 30 September 2004 |
Subject: Mike, a possible scam ...? Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 07:08:28 From: David Tindall (david_tindall@austarnet.com.au) It's been quite a while since I have needed to email you. I sold my ETX90 over 18 months ago, the buyer found my advertisement on a webpage I made. A few days ago I received this very suspicious email. You will notice that a link to your website is included. I thought I would forward this to you so you can warn others about this sort of scam. Cheers, David. Australia. ----- Original Message ----- From: jimmygrant-anferson@bis.bg To: planet69@optonline.net Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 12:01 PM Subject: Responded Mail Urgent***** Greeting Seller, My sincere apologies for contacting you via e-mail to acquaint you, in respect to your Information about you're Used Iterms, in which I saw in website www.weasner.com I 'm very much interested in buying it. MY GENERAL / PERSONAL Mr. Jerry Grant Anderson Home: Nathalie, Virginia Birth Date: 1948-10-22 Sex: Male Race: Caucasian Married/Married Religion: Baptist - Other Groups Citizen: Yes Country: South Vietnam Work: Buy & Selling E-Mail:jimmygrant-anferson@mail.usa.com Firstly I want to be sure on what I am buying from you and I'll like to know if it's in good conditions? Why are you selling it? How long have you owned it? ...Had it for sale? What work does it need? How much are you asking for it? What's the least you're willing to take for it? So please I will like to know what method of payment you prefer, I Intend sending you a certified check, due to the bank policy. So that payment can be made immediately and delivered to you. I'll need the information contact in sending the payment to you and it should be listed in this form... Full Name: Full Address: Code: Country: Home Telephone Number #: Work Telephone Number#: Fax Number#: Last Price: With you for further details.... On shipping? My Shipping Agent to start coming around for the pick up and he going to check all the conditions before pick it or you look for shipping Company in your country to ship it, but if that is okay by you let me know. Then if you really want to sell it to me you can immediately respond on Mail. Sincerely, and have a great day. Thanks Jerry Grant ============================================================ http://bis.bg -
Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 01:08:07 -0800 (PST) From: robbin nelson (mrpatrobbin@yahoo.com) Subject: ETX 125 w/8x25 Finder To: etx@me.com MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-168278041-1074762487=:58731" X-AOL-IP: X-Mailer: Unknown (No Version) i am willing to buy ETX 125 w/8x25 Finder for sale for$975, my mode of payment will lays on certified cashier' check drawn in u s funds , i will be informing my client in us who be forwarding a check of $3,000 to you on my behave , i will be handling the shipping, and every relevant title, if you want me to forward the check to you, i want you to give me the name that will be on cheque and your physical address which you will like to recieve the cheque ,but if you will prefer to receive the check in your bank i will want you to provide all the necessary info concerning your bank (bank name and address , account #and rounting #, so that i can order my client to wire the payment to your bank asap.more over the balance on the excess funds will be base on shipping bcos they are having other consignment for me to ! do the pick up, the shipper's will be incharges of sign all relevant doc ument,i will like to know if may mode of payment is accepted by you or not . i will re ally appreiciate your instant response.
Subject: Mike.see attached response Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 09:50:06 From: tnsley@sbcglobal.net (Terry Godley) Thought you would like to make a note of this on your site. Note: forwarded message attached. X-Apparently-To: tnsley@sbcglobal.net via web80208.mail.yahoo.com; Sun, 14 Dec 2003 09:45:05 -0800 Return-Path: <joe_frank71@yahoo.com> Received: from vmn-ext.prodigy.net ( by mta824.mail.sc5.yahoo.com with SMTP; Sun, 14 Dec 2003 09:45:05 -0800 X-Originating-IP: [] Received: from web60802.mail.yahoo.com (web60802.mail.yahoo.com []) by vmn-ext.prodigy.net (8.12.10/8.12.10) with SMTP id hBEHj4h0207898 for <tnsley@sbcglobal.net>; Sun, 14 Dec 2003 12:45:04 -0500 Received: from [] by web60802.mail.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sun, 14 Dec 2003 09:45:03 PST Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 09:45:03 -0800 (PST) From: Joe Frank <joe_frank71@yahoo.com> Subject: Re: For sale: Meade 90ETX and accessories for $550.00. To: Terry Godley <tnsley@sbcglobal.net> In-Reply-To: <20031211010453.68765.qmail@web80209.mail.yahoo.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-2076160140-1071423903=:72596" Content-Length: 789 Dear Terry , Thanks for your response to my mail.Well i dont reside in the states actually , and i am into international purchase of items.i have agreed in paying you $550 for this item.I will be informing you on the issue that i can make payments immediately to you through a client of mine in the US who is indebted to me to please send over to you a cashier's check of $9,000usd. I know this is more than our agreed price ,but please you will be doing me a favour by sending the balance sum to my shipper who is in the UK as to enable him meet you up in the states and also ship my purchased items from your country to me .If this is okay by you ,kindly send over your detailed informations as to enable my client get to you for paytments. Your name Your ressidential address Your contact telephone number. I await your swsift response and nice having a good business dealing with you. Regards, Joe.. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Free Pop-Up Blocker - Get it now
Subject: Ebay Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 11:03:47 From: sfeickert@earthlink.net (shirley m feickert) Just to let your web fans know Watch out buying telescopes on Ebay. the picture was a Meade-125 plus 5 Meade eye pieces,a camera adapter A Barlow, the auto star was the new style (497) For $650. when I ordered it from this guy in Washington state' Cecil Hall was the guy I ordered a Meade deluxe tripod $134.00 a case $149.00 Because the scope deal didn't have these. Well what I got was a 125 scope, 4 eye pieces,the old style auto star Broke, the end was broke,no barlow and camera adapter.This ------- Person took a picture off the internet and this is what he was selling Not the one he had. his excuse was he just lost his job and needed the money fast he didn't have time to take a picture of what he had he was going to give me $25.00 to make things right, I said no then he wanted me send the scope deal back and he would refund my $650.00 but he would have to have the scope first. I said NO I guess I'll keep this Now Ebay is checking it out. So tell your readers to watch out Don't want to see anybody get the staff. Jim Feickert at sfeickert@earthlink.net
Here's a scam making the rounds:
The subject of the email will be something you really have FOR SALE but the text of the message looks something like this:
Hello, my name is mark jeff, from uk in west africa,i saw your adver on the net that are about to sell your used car, then i'm okay with theprice $1,150,if you are willing to let it go their was a particular clientof my that indepted me a sum of $4,500 and promise me to issue the cheque for thepayment, when you receive the cheque you are to go straight to the nearest bank for your own payment and help me send the remaing fund to the shipper wo will come to your location for the pick up of the car, then if you are okay with this you send me you following information; THE NAME TO BE WRITTEN ON THE CHEQUE....., THE ADDRESS THE CHEQUE IS GOING TO......., YOUR CONTACT PHONE NUMBER................,get back to me as soon as possible, peace be opon you, mike smith--
Obviously you should ignore such "responses".
Subject: ETX group possible scam warning: I WANT TO BUY. Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 20:43:28 From: mdurkin51@attbi.com (Mark Durkin) This may seem strange as I may be jumping to conclusions but thought I would bring this situation to your attention just in case. You can find the email I'm referring to below. I don't know about you, but I receive emails daily with business propositions from scam artists representing themselves as sons of assassinated African warlords offering money in return of transferring funds for them from one international bank account to another. Very well known scam. They request your phone number and bank account info to do the transfer. In reality, they charge international phone calls to your phone and wire transfer money from your bank account. The email I got from the person below resembles these scams very closely and it appears they are now targeting people selling items on your web site. I once had an ETX posted on your for sale section. I have recently upgraded to a 10" LX200GPS. I doubt anybody would be gullible enough to supply the requested information to this man, but thought I might let you know. I may be wrong, but it really looks like this guy is trying to pull this scam. It has all the signs. Thanks, Mark -----Original Message----- From: hedbarley30@mail.hongkong.com [mailto:hedbarley30@mail.hongkong.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 3:06 PM To: mdurkin51@attbi.com Subject: I WANT TO BUY. DEAR Dave Shimek, I WANT TO BUY THIS PRODUCT OF YOUR : ETX-125EC - $895.00 equipped Autostar #497 - $149.00 Deluxe Field Tripod (model unknown) - $200.00 ETX hard case - $149.99 JMB solar filter - $94.95 Scopetronix flexi focus - $34.95 Dewshield - $29.95 Right angle view finder - $49.95 AC power adapter - $35.00 Scopetronix 9pin Serial port cord - $19.95 2x Barlow lens - $47.95 All eyepieces are Meade Super Plossl: 9.7 mm - $79.95 15 mm - $79.95 26 mm - $79.95 Scopetronix Maxview 40mm - $129.95 Scopetronix lightsight - $24.95 Meade color filters #3200 - $39.95 Skylite (red and white light flashlight) - $22.95 Starry night Pro comuter program with goto - $129.95 Assorted books - Nightwatch, field guide to astronomy - $40 Digital Camera adapter for Olympus camera - $89.95 All manuals, tools, extra screws, original view finder, etc. Supercharged in 2001 by Dr. Sherrod - $200 value I WISH TO PAY WITH A CASHIER CHECK AND HAVE IT SHIPPED TO MY ADDRESS IN NIGERIA. I AM PRESENTLY IN LAGOS,NIGERIA FOR A FILM FESTIVAL.I AWAIT YOUR TO THIS EMAIL ASAP.PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FULL ADDRESS AND A PHOINE I CAN REACH YOU ON. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO GIVE ME THE FULL COST AND SHIPPING CHARGES INCLUSIVE. I WILL ALSO NEED YOUR BANKING DETAILS,INCLUDING THE FULL ADDRESS. THANKS AND BEST REGARDS. MR.HEDERICK BARLEY.Esq. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- F: ^yAKOy http://www.hongkong.com/zh_tw/site/linguaphone/promotion.html
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