Last updated: 22 September 2005

This page documents the Meade Lunar Planetary Imager comments, tips, and photos. Contributions welcome. I have posted a review of using the Autostar Suite and LPI on the Macintosh. In order to showcase the LPI you may occasionally see images taken with other telescopes on this page.

Subject:	update firmware meade lpi camera
Sent:	Tuesday, September 20, 2005 13:43:51
From:	Gennaro Paraggio (
Hi Mr Weasner, excuse me for bad english.

i hope i'm not disturbing, i need the firmware for a meade lpi camera.
Where Can i download it? Thank you

Mike here: What Meade makes available is on their web site:
Subject:	RE: Meade LPI
Sent:	Wednesday, September 14, 2005 06:26:33
From:	John Huttemeier (
I found this USB to RS232 converter and am confused
about the statement that software is needed to use this. If I buy the
Keyspan converter is additional software needed? Or is the LPI software
the only thing needed?

Do you have any comments related to the Meade adaptor unit?

When using the LPI setup, can I slew the scope any place I choose using
the computer?

Thanks for your help
Mike here: Yes, a driver is needed for the converter. I have only used a Keyspan adapter since it works with Macs as well as PCs. Meade's is limited to Windows only. Using the Autostar Suite (or other telescope control apps), you can control the telescope.
Subject:	LPI
Sent:	Tuesday, September 6, 2005 15:16:10
From:	max2206 (
I need some help.

I received as a present a Meade LPI.
But there was no CD with drivers or soft.

I do not need the autostar suite because it is not so good.
I want to use k3ccdtools2. But i still need the Usb drivers for the LPI
for winxp.

Do you know where i could find these drivers.

Thanks in advance
Marnix Verschraegen

Subject:	ETX 90 ATand pics
Sent:	Saturday, September 3, 2005 12:32:32
From:	Jan H Kolst (
Hi and thanks for the brilliant page!
I've had an ETX 90 AT and Autostar 497 (version 34ec the last month)for
one and half years and I'm very satisfied. Some problems have occured
but contacting your page has solved them in a short time.Thanks a lot!
During the last months I've tried taking pics of the planets.The pics
could of course be better but I was satisfied.I'm using LPI.

1 Are there any advantages using Polar mode when taking pics with the 90 AT?
2 Are there any advantages using "Star patch version" instead of "Mead's
version" in general? What is the real difference? Which do you
prefer(Star patch of course) but why?
3 Which eyepiece is the most effective taking pics of Deep Sky using LPI
with 90 AT?
Greetings from Norway
Jan H Kolsto
Mike here: To avoid "field rotation" in your images you need to mount in Polar Mode. For short durations it won't be a problem but as you add more and more images or at longer exposures, it will become a problem. "Star Patch" version? I don't recall that. By the way, there is an update to the Autostar Suite on Meade's site. You can't use an eyepiece with the LPI (or DSI or DSI Pro) although you can use a Barlow Lens or a focal reducer.
Oh, that "Star Patch". You had me confused since it is used to update the Autostar and has nothing to do with the LPI. I use AutostarX, which runs on Mac OS X to update the Autostar.


Thanks a lot for your immediate  response. It only took 4 mins. Thanks a
lot Mike!

Subject:	Jupiter Photos First Time out...
Sent:	Thursday, September 1, 2005 18:27:19
From:	Paul Mauro (
I sent you an email Earlier today asking for help with the LPI imager,
well I worked it out and am very pleased with the results.

I took this photo of Jupiter and am very happy with the results.  You
can even see a few of the moons.  I am getting a 2x Barlow and can't
wait to see the images then...

Jupiter 9-01-2005, 20:00 ESTD Meade ETX 125 Meade LPI imager 73 images stacked over 2:30sec Sanford, Florida Thanks again for the website and all the information. Paul
And more:
I found out through some internet research and talking to one of the IT
guys at my Company (I am a Pilot) that the problem was in the actual USB
port.  Turns out the port was bad and was not suppyling enough power to
the camera so Windows XP could not properly start the LPI.  Simple
switch of the hardware and that did it...I called meade and let them
know what the Code 10 Error was as well since it was the first time they
had heard of it also.
Thanks Again

Subject:	Meade LPI not working With Windows XP (Code 10 error)
Sent:	Thursday, September 1, 2005 06:54:33
From:	Paul Mauro (
First off this sight is amazing, as I am new to telescopes it has helped
me out so much it is not even funny....

I have a Meade ETX 125 with the Meade LPI.  I followed the directions
for the installation of the autostar suite with no problem.  However
when it comes time to install the Cameras Windows XP Pro. The drivers
install and the red light on the camera comes on for a second then the
error shows up and poof... XP gives  the following error      (CODE 10 
cannot start up camera) or something close to it.  XP then goes to
troubleshooter mode, I followed all the directions and nothing works...
Same error every time.

I have XP SP2 installed and have searched all over for more information
but can find none...

Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance


You may email me at
Mike here: Have you applied the updates from Meade's site? Also, there is an Autostar Suite troubleshooting page on their site. Lastly, please read the Email Etiquette item on the ETX Home Page re: email addresses. Thanks for understanding.
Subject:	I must be missing something with the LPI
Sent:	Friday, August 5, 2005 21:54:55
From: (
In the message ...

Submitted by: Warren Matthee ( [8 Feb 05]

He suggests having used a LPI and a 26mm eyepiece at the same time.  Am
I missing something?  Is there a way to use a LPI and eyepieces

Mike here: By doing what I've done for many years; attach an eyepiece at the rear port using an adapter. I use the Visual Back with and without a Wide Field Adapter. See the Accessory Reviews: Showcase Products page for more info. You can't see through both at the same time by you can switch between them easily.
Subject:	"kuser.dll" error message
Sent:	Tuesday, August 2, 2005 00:57:56
From:	denis robinson (
Hi whenever I try connecting up my Meade Autostar LPI Cam to my computer
via USB I keep getting " kuser.dll" error message it prompts me to put
reboot disc into computer For the "kuser.dll" file but when doing so, it
can't find the file in question, I've been onto Microsoft site &
downloaded the said file but as I try to load it all I get is this file
is a newer version yes you've guest it? It won't except the new file.
I'm running on Windows Home Edition Service Pack 2 any idea's
Mike here: Have you updated to the latest Autostar Suite software from Meade's site?


Yes I have done that, i'm looking @ buying a new lapton this week so
i'll give it a run on that, fingers crossed it's a Microsoft software
problem which can be resolved, thanks for the reply Mike, oh yes before
I go Mike on the Autostar #497 handset the plastic/Glass LCD Screen with
the Autostar & Meade word on it  popped out & fell onto the floor,
unfortunatly its scratched & i'm doing everything to try find a
new/replacment, have you or do you know of anyone who has  got a new


Mike here: Contact Meade; they might send you a replacement screen.
Subject:	LPI "First Light" Photo
Sent:	Thursday, July 14, 2005 21:50:01
From: (
Attached to this e-mail my first attempt to capture Jupiter using my new
Meade LPI. During your presentation at the OPT Astronomy Day lecture
series on April 18, 2005 you said the Meade LPI was on sale for $99.00.
Last week I called OPT and they said they still had some in stock, so I
finally bought one. Of course as soon as I did the weather changed; the
marine layer clouds started rolling in at sunset every night. This gave
me some time to play with the camera and the software, so I didn't
fumble around too much when the skies finally cleared. I polar aligned
my ETX 125, set up the LPI and called my friend Tim Mountain and asked
him to come check out the LPI in action. Centering Jupiter wasn't
difficult, but we took turns trying to get a sharp focus. Within a few
minutes we were taking pictures. The attached picture is a windows
bitmap composite of 50 pictures taken from light polluted Spring Valley,
CA on July 10th. Jupiter is past its prime viewing location; it's in the
southwestern sky and the marine layer clouds were threatening to obscure
it from view. The LPI imaging program automatically selected and stacked
the best shots. Image quality was set at 50%. Although my polar
alignment wasn't the best, the LPI program tracked Jupiter well enough
to produce some decent pictures. I was pleasantly surprised by the
"first light" results. I look forward to the next clear night when I can
get outside and play with this new camera. Hopefully I will learn how to
use it before the Mars apparition this fall!

Thanks for all the time you spend keeping this web site current and
informative. You run a great site and the contributors keep it very

Brian Miller
Spring Valley, CA


Subject:	Re: LPI and USB Cable Length
Sent:	Wednesday, July 13, 2005 13:24:56
From:	Stephen Bird (
Actually if you use the repeater USB cables, you can use up to 5 in
series, (each must be a repeater cable not the ordinary extension
cables), and you then get 25 metres. They cost around $15 (10 UK pounds)
each at the local PC store. I actually get away with one ordinary 5m USB
cable and one 5m repeater cable. As long as you are using a FULL powered
USB port it seems to work fine with the LPI or DSI Pro. If you get
problems, use a powered hub before the last 5m cable.

It really is time that Meade or someone came up with a universal
wireless USB link. They have already launched their wireless Autostar II
for the LX200, so it should not be a big step to remove a few more
dangling wires.
Stephen Bird 

Subject:	LPI Pictures
Sent:	Sunday, July 10, 2005 14:03:32
From:	Luis Villa (
Here are three pictures taken with the LPI....
Jupiter--- I have lots of these.. very easy to image with the LPI
Moon, talk about easy!!
Mercury--- very difficult for me, since it sets so early AND our house happens to be in the way, so it sets much earlier from my vantage point...

Subject:	LPI
Sent:	Wednesday, June 22, 2005 12:57:42
From:	Vernon&Suzan (
My telescope and computer are about 50ft. apart. Is it possible to
splice into the usb cable for the LPI? What type of cable can be used?
Mike here: Splicing is not recommended; just get a USB cable extension. However, the total cable length is normally limited to 5 meters. See the USB FAQ at:
Subject:	Slewing problem with Meade 200GPS 
Sent:	Sunday, July 3, 2005 16:48:52
From: (
Can you please help me?  During set up for LPI viewing, after the area
of the sky locating the alignment star is reached, the telescope won't
respond to slew commands from the hand held control.  Centering the star
which is required for alignment becomes a bit problematic without this
ability.  The telescope mechanism is fine, slewing to and fro on command
at other times.  Also, the LPI camera focus is no where near the quality
of the sample picture in my downloaded copy of the Meade LPI Camera
Program, The Basics.  One more thing on the camera: is it possible to
obtain a steady view of the subject matter (star, planet, etc.) or must
I live with continuous snapshot technology?
Thanks for your time,
Mike Haworth
Mike here: Have you tried increasing the slewing speed? As to the LPI, as with most imaging technology, practice and patience is required. As evidenced by many of the LPI images on my Sites, it can perform really well. For continuous recording you would have to use other software that can record a continuous movie from an image source.
Subject:	Jupiter LPI
Sent:	Saturday, July 2, 2005 14:46:33
From: (
Taken June 18 2005 with LPI imager. A 2X Barlow. No touch up from any
photo enhancing software. Telescope is 8 inch LX 90 in Polar alignment.
I be live that the Red Spot can be made out. Also I think there is a
shadow of one of Jupiter's moons on the upper left of the planet. Am I
correct about the Red Spot?
Shep Kaplan
Virginia Beach VA.

Mike here: Sure seems to be.

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