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Last updated: 30 September 2004 |
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Subject: LXD55 / LDX75 AC Adapter Ratings? Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 11:12:01 From: Dave Wallace (d_wallace@ecrm.com) Being cheap and having a substantial electronics "junk box", I figured to make my own AC adapter for the LXD75 I'm about to order. Does anyone know what the voltage and current rating is for the Meade 547 AC adapter is? (I presume somewhere between 12 and 15 V and around 1 to 2 amps.) And from the fact that the LXD scopes call for the same #607 DC power cord as the ETX scopes, I guess the DC connector is the same size and polarity (center positive). I rolled my own adapter and cables for my ETX thanks to info on Mike's ETX site, so given these figures, I should have no trouble doing it again for the new one.Mike here: Mine says 12VDC 2.5A.
Subject: No flip mirror Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 12:36:12 From: Jim Beston (james.beston@btinternet.com) One of the most useful features I have found with the ETX when using the LPI is the "Flip-Mirror". I have just ordered a LX200 GPS 10" and I note that (like your LXD55 I think) that it does not have a flip mirror. Is there an attachment in existance that embodies such a device? I hope that when I have my LX200 I will still be allowed the pleasure of comunicating with you on non "'scope specific" matters. I have found your ETX site to be wonderfully informative (especially in view of the woefull technical support from MEADE. Don't know what I'm going to do with my ETX 105 yet, it is currently performing superbly. Kind Regards JimMike here: Yes, having an alternative light path is handy. Other than an off-axis guider assembly or a separate "guidescope" mounted on the OTA, I don't recall any such accessory for SCTs. Oops, Meade has a couple of "CCD-Photo-Visual Flip-Mirror Systems" for SCTs.
I've just had a look and found just what I need! www.meade.com/catalog/lx/lx_accy.html Jim
Subject: RA axis gear repair Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 07:31:27 From: Jim Ferrell (jferrell5@bellsouth.net) Just a note of thanks for your LDX55 website, and to let you know that you saved me from the hassle of sending my mount back to Meade when the RA motor gears became "unmeshed." Your detailed repair procedure was clear and concise. One thing I did note is that the set screw for the silver gear in my mount took a .05 allen wrench. The 2/32 (1/16) wrench referred to in your document would not work with my gear - too big. There must be some variance in the size set screws they are using for the gears. Thanks again.Mike here: As to the screw size, I suspect it was my measuring instrument that resulted in the different value.
Subject: My LXD55 10" SN Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 19:35:16 From: D13X3@aol.com (D13X3@aol.com) In 2002, I bought a 10" LXD55/SN from OptCorp. I have had so many problems with it, that I really have never been able to spend one entire evening of satisfying observing with it. It's not a case of the "nut behind the wheel." I bought my first telescope in 1956 (Unitron 2.4" EQ/refractor), and have had several others since then, so I know how to use telescopes. The most common and recurring problem I have with it, is that the motor gears keep getting out of line. The OTA is apparently just too much for the drive to be able to handle. Other than that (which of course renders the instrument almost useless), it is in good shape. Since it's way out of warranty, what would be your constructive suggestion(s) on what I might be able to do with it, and possibly recoup some of my investment in it? Thanks, and regards... Sam Lucchese (D13X3@aol.com)Mike here: Ooh, a Unitron! I lusted after those when they were a big advertiser in Sky & Telescope back in the 1960s! As to the LXD55 10"SN, yes, there have been many reports that the 10"SN is a bit too much for the mount. But there seem to be buyers for them if you want to sell it and get a LXD75.
Subject: autostar ver 32eh Sent: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 10:49:49 From: James Housel (jhousel@houselphoto.com) Just downloaded this new autostar update. Claims to improve GEM pointing precision and includes a "three star" alignment. Haven't had the chance to use it yet but it may well be that many of the LXD75 features are in this upgrade. Fred HouselAnd:
Here are the update notes. Interesting that PEC is supported. Upgrades to 32Ea PEC added for Polar mounted scopes PEC can be found under Setup - Telescope - Smart Drive. Smart Drive will only appear for Polar Mounted scopes. Smart Drive is for the RA motor only. Run PEC Train first and if needed then run PEC Update after to improve the table. Training for LX90 and LXD55/75 will take about 8 - 9 mins. Training for ETX 90/105/125 will take about 24 mins. To train use the handbox, AutostarSuite with the LPI, or any other autoguider using the #909 Accessory Port Module (if the scope will allow the #909). After training PEC, go to PEC On/Off to turn on PEC to have the scope follow the commands. At the end of your session if you want to keep your training, you have to Park your scope. If you do not park your scope the Autostar will not be able to remember its position on the worm. For German Mounts, Three Star has been added to the Alignment menu. This will improve pointing. For Polar mounted scope you can now use any alignment star in the sky. Improved Satellite tracking for LXD55/75 scopes. On a Moon Goto, Autostar will change to Lunar tracking rate. Autostar will change back to previously selected rate on the next Goto. Note: If Lunar tracking rate is selected while in Lunar Tracking, it becomes the default rate and the scope will stay at Lunar tracking on the next Goto. Some serial strings fixed. Some data base errors fixed. Upgrades to 32Eh Improved pointing for German mounted scopes. Some serial strings fixed.Mike here: 3.2Ei is now the current version! There was a bug in 3.2Eh.
Oh great! Thanks for the news
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